Morgan Silver Dollar 3-Coin Set For Sale (1882-1884-CC, GSA, Box + CoA)


Morgan Silver Dollar 3-Coin Set For Sale (1882-1884-CC, GSA, Box + CoA)

Year 1882-1884
Mint Mark CC – Carson City
Purity .900
Manufacturer US Mint
Thickness 2.85 mm
Diameter 38 mm
Condition Uncirculated
Face Value $1
Issuing Country United States
Obverse Designer George T. Morgan
Reverse Designer George T. Morgan
Edge Design Reeded
Series Morgan Silver Dollar Set
CoA No
Packaging Type Presentation Packaging
Package Dimensions 9.4 x 6.4 x 2.2
Metal Weight .7734 Troy Ounce per Coin
Shipping Free Shipping on Orders Over $199

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Morgan Silver Dollar 3-Coin Set For Sale (1882-1884-CC, GSA, Box + CoA)

The Morgan Silver Dollar is today one of the most popular historic US silver dollar designs. Though many Americans of the late-19th and early-20th centuries found the design underwhelming, modern collectors enjoy the history behind the coin. One of the more unique collections of Morgan Silver Dollars actually came from US Treasury vaults in the 1960s, with the coins collectively known as the GSA Morgan Dollar hoard. Today, Carson Citystruck Morgan Silver Dollar 3-Coin Sets from the GSA hoard are available to you online from Complex Bullion.

Coin Set Highlights:

  • Available to you in GSA holders with a box and Certificate of Authenticity!
  • 3-Coin Set features one coin each from 1882, 1883, and 1884!
  • All coins originally struck at the Carson City Mint!
  • Contains .77344 Troy oz of actual silver content per coin.
  • The individual face values of $1 (USD) are fully backed by the US government.
  • On the obverse is a portrait of Liberty.
  • The reverse features a version of the heraldic eagle.
  • “CC” mint marks from the Carson City Mint.
  • Included free with purchase is a Carson City Morgan Dollars guidebook!
  • Please note that the GSA holders can show signs of wear and tear.

In 1964, the United States Treasury had to call a halt to the redemption of Silver Certificates for silver dollars millions of coins were going out of Treasury vaults. At the same time, a massive hoard of nearly $3 million worth of Morgan Silver Dollars was discovered in the vaults and eventually released to the public through auctions conducted by the Government Services Administration, or GSA. The vast majority of this hoard contained Carson City-issued Morgan Silver Dollars from the 19th century that were never dispersed into circulation.

All Morgan Silver Dollar 3-Coin Sets available here come with GSA holders for each specimen and contain one coin from each of three early years of Carson City coining. In particular, your set will come with 1882, 1883, and 1884 Morgan Silver Dollars. Each coin also has a Carson City “CC” mint mark present. The only Morgan Dollars struck without mint marks were those issued by the Philadelphia Mint. The coins in this set are individually packaged in GSA plastic holders with a box and Certificate of Authenticity included. When you purchase this 3-coin set, Omega Bullion will provide you with a Carson City Morgan Dollar guidebook that has a feature section on the coins from the GSA Hoard. It is important to note that these Morgan Silver Dollars were first packaged in these GSA holders 50 years ago. As a result, wear and tear on the holders is possible.

On the obverse of Morgan Silver Dollars in this 3-Coin set is George T. Morgan’s bust of Liberty. The left-profile portrait includes a “Liberty” coronet in her hair along with a wreath crown. 13 stars surround the figure of Liberty and a date mark is present on this face of the coins.

The reverse side of Morgan Silver Dollar Coins includes Morgan’s design for the heraldic eagle. His version of the heraldic eagle offers a front-facing bird atop the arrows of war and the olive branch of peace which it clutches in its talons.

The 1882-1884 Morgan Silver Dollars issued by the Carson City Mint were among the lowest minted initially. In each of these three years, the Philadelphia Mint, Carson City Mint, New Orleans Mint, and San Francisco Mint struck the coins. However, Carson City’s coining volume was the lowest by far at 1.113 million coins in 1882, 1.204 million coins in 1883, and 1.136 million coins in 1884. The next lowest mintage each year came from the New Orleans Mint in 1882/1883 and the San Francisco Mint in 1884, but each mintage was three to six times greater in volume than Carson City.


Morgan Silver Dollar 3-Coin Set For Sale Morgan Silver Dollar 3-Coin Set For Sale Morgan Silver Dollar 3-Coin Set For Sale Morgan Silver Dollar 3-Coin Set For Sale Morgan Silver Dollar 3-Coin Set For Sale Morgan Silver Dollar 3-Coin Set For Sale